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Monday, 10 August 2015

Survival of the fittest? Survival of the biggest arsehole more like!!

Survival of the fittest. People assume that this means that the better condition you are in the longer you are likely to survive. Whilst this might very well be true lets have a quick look at the reality behind what this really means.

I've been thinking about this today after going back to a building site to find that somebody had killed a chick I had been keeping an eye on  for a week. I first saw the chick when I was frankly sat on my arse fiddling around with wires and screws and metal cabinets and plastic and shit. I could hear a slight chirping noise and after hearing this for about an hour decided to have a look and see if I could work out what was making the sound. Turns out it was this bird that was chirping in reply to the much higher noted chirp from the mother bird who would return frequently to feed the fat little rascal. I checked in on the bird several times a day because it was after all sat in the middle of a building site in a hidden corner of one of the £1.3M houses

A week has gone passed and all appointments at this site had been shelved due people being what I can only describe, and this is in the nicest possible terms, complete fucking tools and clearly not having a clue how to run a site!!

Upon arriving back at this site this morning at 07:30 the first thing I did was go down into the basement to check on the chic and make sure it was ok or had managed to fly away as I am pretty sure it was a couple of weeks off flying away anyway.
 I found the bird. It was sadly lying on the floor in a way that was very clear that some total cunt had squashed it by dropping something on it or treading on it. What sort of scum would do this? What is it that makes some people think that the electrical impulses that cause a heart beat and brain activity to be less important if it is in an animal than it is if it had been in a human being?

With animals it is very much a case of survival of the fittest. This is something that is fair and 99.9% of the time is fair and right.

With humans it seems to be a case of fitness has nothing to do with it. The person who is willing to be the biggest arsehole tends to come out on top as they are willing to hurt and fuck others over in order to get what the want. The belief of nice things happen to nice people is complete bollocks. If that were the case nice things would happen to me all the time. I live my life with the mindset that unless you have wronged me in a terrible way or have shown yourself to be a bad person I will help you. Frankly I will go out of my way to help you. If there is anything I can do then simply tell me and if it's within my power it will happen

Survival of the fittest my arse. Survival of the biggest cunts more like it

Fuck this. I'm leaving this here so I can go and take my socks off.

It's all fucking nonsense


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