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Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Facefuck and the end of the human race

Possibly the ultimate in nonsense, and when I say nonsense I mean complete and utter BULLSHIT NONSENSE!!!


It seems that as a race we have reached the peak of our intellect. We have reached the stage in evolution where we are prepared to allow our lives to be dictated by #Facebook. It's wonderful that people have finally realized that the most important thing in your life is simply what someone in another country who you have never and will never meet thinks whilst he opens his can of fermented herring underwater whilst drinking his international peace keeping green tea! What's that? he unfollowed? HOW FUCKING DARE HE? How dare he realize that what you say on there is not only very very dull but also very similar to what you said this time last year. He knows what you wrote this time last year because you insist on reposting all of your mind nummingly dull time hop bullshit. What's that? The one last year was more important because your cat was in a slightly different position? WELL FUCK ME BACKWARDS!! Why haven't you been nominated for a Nobel Peace prize? Have #Sky news or #BBC news 24 been on the phone? I'm sure the phone is just about to ring!! I mean who wouldn't care about that? Look at the look on Fluffy's disparaging face. He gives a shit so everyone else does. Right? Just so you know, your cat probably doesn't give a shit about you. If I feed your cat salmon he would prefer me! If he liked you would he show you his rusty sheriffs badge as often as he does!

Facebook. Why is it that if you aren't on it you get penalized in life in various ways. Online many bits of info are linked through #Facebook. Let's be honest these days most people ONLY remember others birthday because it smashes it like a leper horse running at full speed into your face. We are losing the human touch. We are losing the ability to know how to be real friends without have the interaction of facebook. If you aren't on facebook you don't go to that party. You don't go because people just assume you know about it despite the fact you aren't on facebook.

Incase you haven't realized yet, I hate facebook. I think it is to social media what HIV is to an immune system. It takes everything and breaks it down. It makes the shallow feel self important and it makes the insecure feel suicidal. People really do believe that facebook is more important that it really is. It's nothing more than millions of arseholes comparing how small their penises are regardless of being male or female.

Don't let facebook rule your life. Breathe, let your heart beat, look someone in the eyes get annoyed because the real life friend is staring you out, FIGHT THEM!!! There you go. You can't do that on facetard can you you FUCKING LEGEND.

Seriously, get off the internet........
.......Well I say get off the internet finish reading this blog or get on #Twitter. Twitter is fucking great. I let it make choices about what I do in life. If you aren't following me on twitter then you are nothing to me and don't exist in my world!!

It's all nonsense!


#Facebook #Twitter #PopularityContest #SuperShallow #RealLife #IHateYouAll #ILoveYouReally

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