The civilised world. We all like to think we are part of it but if we are honest with ourselves how many of us buy into inhumane because we don't have to see it or deal with the consequences?
The world cup is being held in Russia. Now I for one could not care any less about football if my life depended on it. Is there any other sport that generates the same sort of anger and "passion" that is brought out by 22 men running round a field after a balloon covered in animal skin? Being English I am meant to love the sport. I am meant to support my national team. I am meant to care! The England football team are, without question crap. When was the last time we got ANYWHERE on our own merits? It's always a case of getting through because someone else screwed it up rather than getting through on ability and talent.
Despite that rant this is not about football. This is about Russia. This is about the country that actively shows a lack of respect for human life and treats women as second rate citizens and anybody that is anything other than vehemently heterosexual is savagely beaten often to the point of having their life permanently changed. THIS is the country that we are pouring millions into. THIS is the country that by pouring millions into and taking part in the idiots sport we are openly saying that we are willing to look past the brutality that goes on everyday. Wasn't it bad enough that winter Olympics were held there and millions was thrown away during that.
Did you know Russia has recently passed a law that means if you beat your female partner as long as she is not put in hospital you will get away with nothing but a fine. Is this the sort of country we want to champion? Do we really want to champion a country that is run by such a brutal regime? A country that has elections that if they are not rigged have all competitors to Putin removed from the running in various ways. It is clear that our government is to weak and pathetic to do anything about the atrocities that Russia has performed weather it is ruining an afternoon out at Zizi's or affecting an election that caused one of the worlds biggest trumpet fucking hair pieces to be in charge in America.
By all the things like this that we overlook and don't stand up against we, you, are allowing these things to continue. If you aren't being vocal and questioning why we are condoning any international relationships with a country that shouts that all these things are acceptable then you are guilty of turning a blind eye to it. How would you feel if the country that you lived in allowed this sort of thing to openly continue.
We are all scared of imposing sanctions on Russia. We are all scared when it comes to standing up to the international bully.
International nonsense!!!!
F x
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