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Saturday, 20 May 2017


Right then.........

There is a phrase that is getting more and more traction these days. It's that term up there. You know the one. The one people LOVE to throw about when complaining about sexism.

Man-I'm unhappy with life-splaining

The only people who seem to use this word are people who spend a LOT of time complaining about sexism in the modern world but the issue is they seem COMPLETELY oblivious to the fact that using that newly created word is nothing more than them being part of the problem itself and being offensively sexist themselves.

I've been told in the last couple of days after pointing out how sexist this term is that women get it all the time and I need to grow up and how did it make me feel. Irony here being that SHE told ME to grow up when all I was doing was pointing out that they were being offencive. Does it make it alright to be offencive to strangers just because of how you have been treated in the past? No it doesn't. Now I will argue the point that either of the sexes being disrespectful to the other is wrong on all levels but does it make it right to them act the same way back to the apposing sex? If that is fair then why is it fair to then tar EVERY member of the opposition with the same brush?

If you think this is acceptable then YOU ARE THE BIGGEST PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!!

I am not sorry about this thought.

If the reverse was done and there was a term Womansplaining that suggested all women do something that is really fucking irritating REGARDLESS of who they do it to any man that used it would be deemed sexist and thrown to the dogs.

I'm not going to list them because what goes through my head when thinking of examples is deeply offencive to the point of not making it past my filter which is odd as I'll happily through the word cunt out there without thinking twice.

Just because a human, regardless of sex, is a patronising cunt doesn't mean you should put everyone of that gender in the same bracket. Can you honestly say that there are no patronising women? I know I've met a LOT of them. What word should we call them before the idiots who use the idiot word mansplaining start screaming that we are being arseholes?

Carry on being angry at the people who deserve your anger but don't generalise all males with this complete cunt of a word. We aren't all like that. We don't all treat women like shit. We don't all deserve the brush.

If you still think it's acceptable after thinking about these points then you really need to get the fuck out of my life. You are the problem. You ARE the one keeping the divide as broad as it is. Keep the crying and bitching going. It's what YOU will be remembered for after all the shity comments that should never have been made have been long forgotten.

I am NOT a misogynist. I love all people that are kind and thoughtful. The problem is not mine!

Sexist ignorant knuckle dragging fuck trumpet dickhead nonsense!!

F (No kiss. I'm fucked off)

On the video below, I'm sure the guy was being a twat but this is a wonderful point he has made and is VERY VERY valid!!

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