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Saturday, 20 May 2017


Right then.........

There is a phrase that is getting more and more traction these days. It's that term up there. You know the one. The one people LOVE to throw about when complaining about sexism.

Man-I'm unhappy with life-splaining

The only people who seem to use this word are people who spend a LOT of time complaining about sexism in the modern world but the issue is they seem COMPLETELY oblivious to the fact that using that newly created word is nothing more than them being part of the problem itself and being offensively sexist themselves.

I've been told in the last couple of days after pointing out how sexist this term is that women get it all the time and I need to grow up and how did it make me feel. Irony here being that SHE told ME to grow up when all I was doing was pointing out that they were being offencive. Does it make it alright to be offencive to strangers just because of how you have been treated in the past? No it doesn't. Now I will argue the point that either of the sexes being disrespectful to the other is wrong on all levels but does it make it right to them act the same way back to the apposing sex? If that is fair then why is it fair to then tar EVERY member of the opposition with the same brush?

If you think this is acceptable then YOU ARE THE BIGGEST PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!!

I am not sorry about this thought.

If the reverse was done and there was a term Womansplaining that suggested all women do something that is really fucking irritating REGARDLESS of who they do it to any man that used it would be deemed sexist and thrown to the dogs.

I'm not going to list them because what goes through my head when thinking of examples is deeply offencive to the point of not making it past my filter which is odd as I'll happily through the word cunt out there without thinking twice.

Just because a human, regardless of sex, is a patronising cunt doesn't mean you should put everyone of that gender in the same bracket. Can you honestly say that there are no patronising women? I know I've met a LOT of them. What word should we call them before the idiots who use the idiot word mansplaining start screaming that we are being arseholes?

Carry on being angry at the people who deserve your anger but don't generalise all males with this complete cunt of a word. We aren't all like that. We don't all treat women like shit. We don't all deserve the brush.

If you still think it's acceptable after thinking about these points then you really need to get the fuck out of my life. You are the problem. You ARE the one keeping the divide as broad as it is. Keep the crying and bitching going. It's what YOU will be remembered for after all the shity comments that should never have been made have been long forgotten.

I am NOT a misogynist. I love all people that are kind and thoughtful. The problem is not mine!

Sexist ignorant knuckle dragging fuck trumpet dickhead nonsense!!

F (No kiss. I'm fucked off)

On the video below, I'm sure the guy was being a twat but this is a wonderful point he has made and is VERY VERY valid!!

Friday, 21 April 2017

Politics and ting...... (serious blog warning)

Right then....... Where do I start with this one?......

I live in the UK. Out current prime minister has announced a snap election. There are three reasons why this has been done and in my opinion they are three really good reasons to tell Theresa May to fuck off.

Just a bit of a sidestep to clarify, I have no strong feelings either way and have nothing against May.

This election has been called and the way I see it there are three strong reasons why it has been called at this point in time......

* People keep saying she is not (and rightly so) our elected leader.

* She and her advisers are very aware that all other parties are, at the moment, an unbridled shower or cluster fucks and they couldn't put forwards a viable fight because most of the opposition are busy fighting each other or are simply not able to propose a plausible alternative.

* Theresa and her advisers do not want the responsibility or weight on their shoulders that will pushed on them with the forthcoming exit from Europe.

Now maybe I am a complete arsehole and when I say maybe I'll let my junior/apprentice at work answer that, but I don't think any of those points are a good enough reason to hit the default and allow her to continue in her current position. On that note though, and touched on in my points, there is no other party that could realistically give a valid reason as to why they should run the country. Now then, don't get me wrong, I don't have a huge issue with May continuing with this job however I don't feel it's right to allow someone to continue in a job just because there is no better choice. On the other hand, the general public have shown a few times in the last year that we are fucking terrible when it comes to voting for the best end result. Brexit the country did NOT vote to leave the European Union. The country voted for a change and took the most extreme possible option. The only time in my opinion that the public has voted and it hasn't been a knee jerk reaction was Scottish independence. I'm glad we are still unified but Brexit has just given more ammo to force the final step of England being an island of solitude.

I think the only party that will benefit from this election is UKIP. They really are the only party to have triumphed in any of the last votes be it Brexit or general. Do we want UKIP running the country? Do we fuck!! I don't think people actually put any thought into what life would be like it UKIP were making the choices about our lives.

Labour? Again, no. If people put the effort in and look at history they will tend to see that the cost of living goes up at a sharper angle when they are in charge plus if you factor in that the party cant even run itself at the moment let alone run the country.

Conservatives? Simply by default they will win. I would put money on this. The will only win because other options are much much shitter.

SNP? Don't be fucking silly

Lib Dem? Would you seriously vote for a party that has the weakest stand of anyone else? Do people ever actually question what they stand for? In my opinion they should, as the name suggests, be the best option. The party that acts on the majorities wants and needs. Nobody will really vote for them. They have as far as I can see never been a realistic vote.

The green party? I'll vote for them right after the SNP

Plaid Cymru? Who?

Northen Ireland Party? If this is the best name they could think of then I think we're fucked if they get in.

I'm willing to beg you all. Rather than voting for the default as hundreds of thousands will please please please spend at least twenty minutes reading up on each party and what has happened in history when each of them has had any power. Remember history will always repeat itself. A leopard will never change it's spots and many other shity little phrases.

Think before you vote. Vote for what's best for your future. DO NOT vote for what seems to be the easiest option.

Please think


Friday, 14 April 2017

Easter (Jesus was in a crack den)

Right then...... Easter......... Good Friday........ Knock one off Monday (It's just a bank holiday but you have to find something to do with your day off)

Once upon a time there was this group of probably men sitting round and thought they would write what can only be regarded as one of the most successful stories of all time, it's even more successful that Lord of the rings and those films are about 87.3 hours long!!!

 There's some bloke. His mum was a bit of a shit talker, "Of course I haven't been riding anyone else Joseph bae" and his dad was a massive mug "Course you ain't been wiv anyone else lover and we haven't had sex but you're pregnant. Were you wearing my pants again?"..........

A quick side note, isn't it fairly bad for the baby if a pregnant woman rides a donkey bare back *snigger* over shitty mountain paths? I don't think there were any finished roads back then.

..........anyway, I digress. Pretty soon after Mary had been no doubt chasing the dragon she sees an "angel" (she must have been smacked out of her face).
 "Mary babe, tell the mug of a husband that your child is the son of god"

Anyway, she rides the donkey *snigger*, he is to cheap to pay for a hotel. She squats and drops in the barn (literal shit all over the floor) and three men turn up, I think they were probably social services but they told people that they were three kings/wise men (there is nothing wise about telling everyone you are a king just so you can watch a woman give birth) and everyone is happy. Years down the line Jesus is growing up and telling people I'm the son of god so you should be peaceful when I tell you to be (if you did that at either of my schools you would get beaten up)

Eventually the army think to themselves "this guy is a fucking nutter but we cant lock him up. Let's kill him!"

They find a guy that's happy to grass him up and they put him on the cross.

It's a little known fact that when people used to get crucified the thing that would kill you was not the being nailed to the cross but you would either get disemboweled to speed things up or your lungs would collapse. If you have your arms out at a right angle for long enough (a few hours) your lungs will give in because of the form of your body, FACT, look it up!" It's along the same lines of people thinking that you suffocated whilst being hung. That's not how you die. Because of the distance you drop if snaps your neck which fucks up one of the tricks that used to be done where the person to be hung would secrete a tub into their neck so that the airway doesn't close but you then have to think about the whole issue of cutting the bloody flow off to the brain.

Anyway....... I digress......

Jesus is dead. I suspect that in those days he would just have been burned but that doesn't sound as impressive. People are told he is buried in this cave. What I think happened then is some grave robbing bastards thought it would be funny to pinch the body. They opened the cave and what a fucking surprise, he wasn't there. I think they then went off and said "YEAH HE ROSE AGAIN, ONLY WE SAW HIM BUT NOW HE HAS FUCKED OFF FOR GOOD" Basically they were lying fuck nuggets.

What we are basically celebrating at this time of year is a botched execution and grave robbing liars. Enjoy your chocolate you bastards!!

Peace and love

Enough nonsense


Monday, 3 April 2017

The micropenis effect

Right then.......... Men........
There are a couple of people that I currently know from various dungeons and x rated hardcore pornographic expos that have spoken about men. They've said things that, in my mind, are not about real MEN but are about insecure idiots. This blog is not and I repeat NOT based directly on anyone or anything.

The sort of man that stalks a woman and finds them and enters their personal space in their life uninvited is a super special kind of idiot. I can't see one thing that makes it OK to invade someones private life without being invited. it stops at that. there is nothing else to say on it. It's simply wrong. Don't do it. If you think it's OK to do that then you are a dick!

The sort of man that controls a woman and her social life.

"Yeah but you cant go out or socialise with your friends because I have decided it's my turn to go out again this weekend despite going out every other weekend"

Seriously, what sort of supersonic cunt would do this to someone that is meant to be their partner? How much of a fuck nugget do you have to be to not only do this but not see that it is clearly a form of oppression and bullying regardless of you thinking it is or not.

The sort of man who uses the term "birds" or any other derogatory term. These men are another special kind of arsehole. These are the sort of cretins that no doubt are also very homophobic and have to speak like this because they need to get rid of any risk there might be that someone could think the love the cock.

There are many different variations of the above idiots but no matter what stage they are at be it not liking your frankly BETTER half speaking to other men or denying them as much free time as you allocate yourself, if you do any of the above then you are a cunt. Respect women for what they are. In my head there should be no cause for a male and female divide. We should, simply be two halves of one entity. A partnership. It's not about you and them. It's about us.
 Most men are dickheads and don't deserve to have any happiness in a relationship.

The only thing worse than any of the above is any male or female that hits their partner. Those people don't deserve to be written about. Those people deserve to be in prison or put to death. There is no movement from that in my eyes.

Enough nonsense!!


Sunday, 1 January 2017


January 1st 2017......

So then, last night I imagine most of you were out having a wonderful time or were spending time with a loved one. What was I doing? I was in bed by about 20:15. Why was I here? Mostly because I hadn't had any contact or messages or invites from anyone to go out for new years eve. The drama begins.......

Right then, long story short. I had a really fucking shity time up until the age of 18 when it comes to friends. various things happened and I ended up having to find new friends every few years. I found a group of people that I thought were my new group of friends. This lasted a long time and I met loads of new people that I was more than happy o be friends with. It is in my nature that if there is anyone who needs my help or support then I will always give it. I tend to give more than I get back except in a couple of circumstances. I have even done things with prisons and with court problems simply because people needed me to do something or help them out in some way.
 Whilst living at my parents I was often told that the reason people didn't come round is because it was awkward to come round to my bedroom in my parents house. Surely when I move out and have my own place people would visit. You would think so wouldn't you. I spent all my social time from the age of 18 to the point of moving into my own place at the age of 32 travelling to other peoples houses and always making the effort for them. Driving around and often ferrying people around at my expense to help them out. Once again surely when I move into my own place it will be time to pay it back......

2011, December 10th. I move into my own place......

I stood in my flat and waited for the insurgence of people coming to visit me. You know, I'd spent 14 years making the effort for them......... The door didn't knock. The bell didn't ring.

A year or two passed and I voiced thoughts on the matter and let people know that I was really depressed and on several occasions had wanted to end my life. A good friend would then change how they were and try to make sure the other person is ok. Did this happen? NOT A FUCKING CHANCE. One person even said Why didn't you tell me how you had been feeling? Sure I will be around more. Did anything change? NOT A FUCKING CHANCE.

You spend all of your life trying to do right by other people and and you find that others have taken you to be some sort of cunt and ignored who you are as a person. You try to do best by other people and, I have used these words, do what you can to make other peoples lives a better place to live.
 My question is. Why have I bothered to put my time and effort into this when people are so eager to turn their back on me and forget me? What the fuck have I done in life to validate being treated like this? I must have been some sort of supersonic arsehole!

New year 2016.....
No invites. Not even any happy new year messages.
It went through my head that I wanted to end 2016 by ending my life. I couldn't do that to my parents no matter how much I would have liked to.

The people I know are coming across as complete fucktards. Do I have the energy to start again? I don't know. Do I hope they are all vanquished to a life on there own so people can see what it's like to be forgotten by people who you thought were friends? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY!!!

This has caused me social anxiety. This has caused me real problems mentally.

No kiss.

A royal fuck you to the people that have damaged me in this way.