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Sunday, 31 July 2016

Periscope and the the eternal boring questions

Now then!!!

Periscope in my opinion is brilliant. You can find anything that interests you be it people walking round a farm to Americans doing yoga to children on their lunch break to Americans walking round a farm to children doing yoga to other people on their lunch break. It's a glorious world we live in!!

When I am sat at home I will often have a look on periscope and view in wonder at how utterly dull most of the things on there are. Most of the stuff really is an advert for all the most stupid people on this planet. It seems to mainly these days be people of various races demonstrating their inability to use the English language and if it isn't that then it is some fucktard talking about how stoned they are and sometimes if you are lucky you get to watch the little shit smoking what I believe the cool kids call a "blunt" The blunt thing confuses me because I have not once seen anyone with a good old HB pencil in their mouth. What the fuck are these idiots on about?

It is sad that in this day and age the grooming is as open as it is on periscope. Whenever you watch a scope that is being hosted by a female then you can always bank on a couple of times a minute someone will come in and ask "Bae" how old she is. First of all I was totally unaware that a cool name to call your child these days is "Bae" and how great are the guessing skills of these dickheads that they manage to guess correctly?

Despite the fact that you have no doubt read what I have written before this please don't get get the impression that I don't like Periscope. I do. I fucking love it!! I use it to sit at home and mess around with my guitars and then speak to people as I'm doing it but it does seem to be very heavily frequented by some inbred fuckknuckles that are clearly very sexually frustrated or bad people in hiding. I do wonder if these idiots know how easy it is to track them through Periscope. All you need to do is follow them and the second they pop up it shows you where they are. There is a little more to it than that but I have displayed before how easy it is to find someone from Periscope if you scope and don't do your settings properly. I'm happy for everybody to be on that place but most of the people really do need some sort of filter in which if they are about to do or say something that would have them put forwards for scientific experiments it flashes up on their screens and the computer or mobile device screams "FUCKING IDIOT" at you before you do it. That's my idea that is and it's going to make me a millionaire.

Anyway enough of this arrogant nonsense


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