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Tuesday, 23 February 2016

What's love got to do, got to do with it? #Herpes

This is not going to be a very easy one to write. I've spent the last half an hour looking for a music video. I found a couple that made my eyes fill up. The messages that want to to be said more often than not are not the ones we actually the ones we vocalize.

What is love? I dispute anyone who claims they can put it in a way that all people would agree with. It is all different things to everyone and nothing to some.
 What is it that you love? is love how you feel about your favorite goldfish that you won from the fair. The one you over feed and is now so large both ends of it are pressed up against the ends of the biospere tank you bought because you saw it on bog brother!! Is love the feeling you have about your first coffee of the day because that rush from the caffeine is just so hard to beat...... Is love dependence? Is love that feeling you have where there is a hole in you when something or someone is missing? Is that the sort of love you feel?

Truth be known I don't believe love is any single thing. Love is a collection of emotions and feelings that a person has when they come into contact even through thought with someone or something that is beyond the word important to you.

People dilute the word love. To those people that say I love you so easily it rolls off their tongue like a greased up cat in a ferret farm. Those are the kryptonite people to the real meaning of love. Those are the people that dilute the true meaning. We've all met them. There is someone who I used to speak to a lot that used to say "I love you" and yet they vanish of and appear as it suits them. I really don't believe that person knows how to love. They have very little baring on my life and never really have so it's no great issue that they are like this. It's just an example of the poison that kills the true earth shattering meaning of the word.

I' thinking about this blog now and am realizing that it is fairly heavy and for those of you who have got this far I thank you.

Me? Is there love? yes there is but as always it's never simple. Secret Mrs.P has had my love for years and always will do. She knows that. There was a top secret meeting at 1:20am on Sunday and it did more than fill a hole. Cyclones began. Cyclones can vanish but I don't know. This one feels different.

If there is someone you love then make sure they know it. Never be foolish enough to let them slip away because you never know, you might not get a second, third, fourth or fifth chance. Remember the word love and remember it in it's true form and use it.

Why #Herpes? Simple, time passes and things happen and you can never kill it just like the fore mentioned affliction. You see how that works? :)

Love and nonsense.


People not understanding or getting this reference don't fret.

It pains me that this next one has a connection to twilight so please look passed that........

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