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Tuesday, 23 February 2016

What's love got to do, got to do with it? #Herpes

This is not going to be a very easy one to write. I've spent the last half an hour looking for a music video. I found a couple that made my eyes fill up. The messages that want to to be said more often than not are not the ones we actually the ones we vocalize.

What is love? I dispute anyone who claims they can put it in a way that all people would agree with. It is all different things to everyone and nothing to some.
 What is it that you love? is love how you feel about your favorite goldfish that you won from the fair. The one you over feed and is now so large both ends of it are pressed up against the ends of the biospere tank you bought because you saw it on bog brother!! Is love the feeling you have about your first coffee of the day because that rush from the caffeine is just so hard to beat...... Is love dependence? Is love that feeling you have where there is a hole in you when something or someone is missing? Is that the sort of love you feel?

Truth be known I don't believe love is any single thing. Love is a collection of emotions and feelings that a person has when they come into contact even through thought with someone or something that is beyond the word important to you.

People dilute the word love. To those people that say I love you so easily it rolls off their tongue like a greased up cat in a ferret farm. Those are the kryptonite people to the real meaning of love. Those are the people that dilute the true meaning. We've all met them. There is someone who I used to speak to a lot that used to say "I love you" and yet they vanish of and appear as it suits them. I really don't believe that person knows how to love. They have very little baring on my life and never really have so it's no great issue that they are like this. It's just an example of the poison that kills the true earth shattering meaning of the word.

I' thinking about this blog now and am realizing that it is fairly heavy and for those of you who have got this far I thank you.

Me? Is there love? yes there is but as always it's never simple. Secret Mrs.P has had my love for years and always will do. She knows that. There was a top secret meeting at 1:20am on Sunday and it did more than fill a hole. Cyclones began. Cyclones can vanish but I don't know. This one feels different.

If there is someone you love then make sure they know it. Never be foolish enough to let them slip away because you never know, you might not get a second, third, fourth or fifth chance. Remember the word love and remember it in it's true form and use it.

Why #Herpes? Simple, time passes and things happen and you can never kill it just like the fore mentioned affliction. You see how that works? :)

Love and nonsense.


People not understanding or getting this reference don't fret.

It pains me that this next one has a connection to twilight so please look passed that........

Friday, 12 February 2016

Valentines day. A time for war, crime and rewards for sex

Saint Valentine......... What a complete law breaking arsehole!!
During the third century in Rome Emperor Claudius II outlawed the marriage of young men. He did this because they were much better at killing people during war than men who were satisfied and with a woman. No marriage, no woman, no nookie, better stab stab, more blood loss. Now then, that bastard Valentine thought to himself, let's fuck up any chance we have of coming first in a war. What did he do? He went ahead and married young couples in secret. We will call this backstreet black market marriages......... Is it wrong that I am wondering if the sex was better in these highly forbidden couplings? Well then, My old mucker Claudius found out about what this convict idiot was doing and did what any law abiding citizen would do and ordered his death. When I think of this a phrase that was used a lot in Jackass, firm but fair.

February 14th, 1929. Chicago. Two gangs rule the streets. One gang was run by George "bugs" Moran. The other gang was run by the one and only Al Capone. Rumor has it that the two of them didn't get on. The rumors of their rivalry came to a bit of a head when people dressed up as policemen gunned down seven members of Moran's gang whilst they were in a garage. It is said that the target was Moran himself however he left the scene minutes before the fun kicked off. Apparently there was quite a lot of blood. This action was given the title of "The Valentines day massacre". History created boys. Well done!!

Lets now look at modern day......
The build up to Valentines day normally starts on 26th of December. The commercial aspect of it now as with so many things has become the leading force behind the event. Gone are the days of it being what it should stand for. Gone are the days when I was all about a card would be received from an unknown party. You would spend months if not years trying to work out who it was that sent you card as they are clearly madly in love with you. When you did finally work out who it was from it was no doubt be from the person who everybody avoided because frankly they smell and when I say smell I mean they smell BAD!! It was innocent. It was pure. It wasn't about fleecing people for all the money you can.
 These days it seems to be a commercial venture only rivaled by Christmas. For the record Saint Nick was the Saint that stood for prostitutes. Every year millions of pounds of pressure is pilled onto primarily men to spend money on their partners because it is the only day of the year that you should be telling your other half that you are in love with them but this must be done in the most financially burdened way possible. Research has been done and has been proved and confirmed that the more you spend on your partner the more likely it is that you will be rewarded..... Acceptable prostitution, maybe. An extreme view from a simple reaction? YES! The facts still stand though.
 It's with the previous comment ringing in the back of my mind that I feel I must congratulate the super markets and this year even Kentucky Fried Chicken for having a special cheap bargain to show your loved one that for the time being , they will do but mark my words, when the going gets tough the tough fuck off very very quickly. What other message could you possible take from giving the love of your life a £3 200g box of mediocre crap selection chocolates. If that isn't to your taste then you really should think about the KFC option. about a fiver will let you treat your frankly better half to deep fried food and sugar saturated carbonated drink. Nothing says love like obesity and diabetes.

The long and the short of this is simple. don't give in to the bullshit and hype surrounding St. Fucknut day. Tell the person in your life that you love them all the time. Don't just wait for one day of the year to be ripped off and fucked over with the price of shit flowers.

My Valentines day........ I guess there is a very very low key unknown Mrs. P. I'm sure she would probably know who she is and there is a reference in here that she and only she will get the background to. If I know her then she will probably now be smiling and have an annoying feeling inside once she sees the reference.
 I will be spending the morning in bed and probably do some cleaning and washing. I haven't been with anyone on this day since 2010 properly. There was the teacher but we weren't official at that point which had something to do with her husband..... What is it with me and taken/married women? My day will be just another day. I haven't had any cards or anything related to the day for about 6 years and I've been single for 5 years. I'm not a fan of the day that seems to encourage, all be it without malice, finger pointing at the single people of the world.

Romance nonsense. It's all misunderstood and complete bollocks!!


Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Stewie created it and it runs on uranium!!!!

It's one of those things I'm sure we all think about......

What would you change in your past? Which bit of you would you go back in time and alter in order to become someone in a better place either mentally or physically?
 In your old age have you had dreams about owning a goose farm in Indiana and not raising geese but allowing capybara to roam free on your 27 3/4 acres. I can imagine that your evening would be filled with plenty of hilarity as you laugh at tourists wondering where the geese are as they find themselves in the middle of a knee high stampede!!
 If you do answer this I feel I should say that you can't go with a really dull answer that is designed to do nothing more than get yourself more money. Surely in this this world that doesn't exist you would plan on nothing more than being a happy person.

For me it's simple...... I think. I had three dream jobs when I was growing up and these are going to be listed in no order. I wanted to be a rock star/musician, I wanted to be a policeman and last but not least I wanted to be a teacher. Thinking about this it seems quite telling of the person I have become. One job entertains, one job helps and stands up for people and the other job teaches.

If we step back to school I have to say I don't think I would have changed anything other than allowing myself to be aware of what is going to happen between Mrs Hykiel my RE teacher and myself although........ if I changed things then there would be a very strong chance that the experience with her won't have happened......... I would have changed my GCSE choices and would have spent a lot more time and effort in the music department and would have been a much better guitarist, pianist and drummer. I would also have looked at singing a lot more.

With all this firing round in our minds I feel I should say I don't want to detract from the person I am now. I'm fucking amazing!!

Deep thought and educational nonsense!!


Friday, 5 February 2016

It's all over the front page, you give me road rage!!

That metal box. You know. That metal box with the five wheels.... The one you sit in and causes you to either be invincible or the most selfish and thoughtless fucknut that has ever existed!!! Yep that's right, this one is about driving and other people on the road.......

You're driving down the road, on the other side of the road cars are parked against the curb in a way they are allowed to. In front of you a car is approaching but that persons side of the road. what happens? That car decides that they have right of way and forces their way down your side of the road and screams abuse at you because you are in their way!! If that wasn't bad enough the driver is completely unaware of the size of the vehicle they are driving. You know and I know that they are driving a G wiz. How do we know that? We are looking straight at it. In the mind of the driver however they are driving some sort of Australian road train that is 12 foot wide and imported just for them with special permissions from the DVLA. We both are unsure as to why their car has to have a four foot gap between them and the parked cars but as far as I can see that is the only logical argument!!! People like this boil my blood. If you have that little spacial awareness then you shouldn't be driving. If you have that little spacial awareness then you are dangerous and it's people like that that kill bikers!!

Once upon a time I was driving my car and had the exact experience as suggested up there. I had a fantastic  method of sorting the problem out. When the lady behind the wheel started mouthing abuse at me and waving her hands about I simply switched the engine off, took off my seatbelt and walked away from the car. I have to admit I chuckled to myself as the driver went apoplectic. After she screamed a bit more abuse at me she started reversing in order to let me past. I'm not normally that much of a dickhead when driving but this person who didn't have the right of way tried to force me up onto the pavement because I was in her way. Legally I had right of way and I'm not about to give into anyone who acts like this purely because they think they are better than me!!

Driving is a piece of piss. It really doesn't take a huge amount of deep thought. One thing it does require though is a little bit of thought and consideration for other road users. If someone flashes their lights and lets you out then give a couple of flashes of the hazard lights or at the very least hold your hand up to say thank you. If you need ot change lane then indicate and then wait for the person to acknowledge you before simply turning into the space. I am not mincing my words with this but if you are the sort of person who thinks they own the road or have the right to be in the space someone else already occupies then you sir/madam, are a complete and utter cunt and I don't use that word lightly!

When you are in your metal box you are not invincible. It has been proved time and time again it is very very and frighteningly easy for someone to get out of their car and come and speak to you face to face but when that happens the person who has been the thoughtless nugget tends to be the very first person to wind up their windows and scream and run away like a frightened little school child. Like I said, think about things. You aren't invincible and all it takes is a tiny bit of thought to make the driving world a much nicer place to be.

Don't be a tool. Indicate. Say thank you. Remember that santa claus does NOT exist!!!! The easter bunny doesn't lay eggs because what sort of genetically fucked up bunny lays eggs and as for the tooth fairy, that arse hole who breaks into your house at night and creeps round in children's bedrooms!!

Be good and thoughtful to each other. You never know it might raise you spirits....


If you've made it this far then first of a a heart felt thank you :) and secondly please share my blog. My heart and sole goes into it and its primarily designed to make people think but most of all make people smile :)

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Whatever makes you happy, whatever you want, you're so fucking special

What do you get your kicks out of? Are you one of them? Are you one of those people that gets their kicks out of holding bunnies in that special way? Or you could be one of those people who loves to catalogue photographs of telephone poles. Whatever it is then you should always know you are special. In one way or another you are special. Keep telling yourself that. Look in the mirror and scream at yourself. Allow that tick to kick in you can always tell the neighbors that the bunnies you were holding told you to do it :).

Everybody gets a kick out of different things and it is more often than not not something you have any control over. I mean, you don'd have any control of your turn on's and turn offs do you? It's a hard wired thing so if you find yourself attracted to photographs of barnacles stuck to the side of boats then you go knock yourself out. You know where the harbor is. Break and leg or a winkle (pun intended)

Now we get on to the inspiring thought that has forced me like some sort of petulant child to write this evenings blog. Inspired by the rises and falls of the last couple of weeks. Taking in the beautiful and radiant sunlight bursting through the curtains of life and the hail storm of turmoil and  confusion and very close to giving in to old habits.......

Who am I and what do I want? What makes me happy? What do I want?

The thing in this life that gives me a kick pretty much more than anything else is helping people. If I can do something to make somebody else's life a better place to be then I will almost certainly do it. In very resent times I have lent my prized guitar to my local and favorite guitar shop just so that they had one better display than the other shops :). There is a feeling I keep having to do with this guitar. There is part of me that feels that it is part of my duty of owning it that if there is someone who loves guitars and they would like to then I should let them see Eleanor. There are after all only two or three of them in the country and according to someone from Gibson UK there is a string chance that only 25 were ever made. It's like Chris Evans and his Ferraris. He has openly said that if someone goes ot his house he almost sees it as part of his duty of ownership that he lets people see them. For me my guitars are the same because I do, and this is blowing my own trumpet, have a really beautiful collection of guitars. Anyway, I digress. I feel we all have a duty in life to help make other peoples lives better places to be. After all, if you are doing it for others then it will without doubt come back to you.

Be good to yourself and love people
