I'm unsuccessfully trying to lose weight. With my work I'm frequently out and about so I would call that mildly active. I play golf and that is pretty much on par with just going for a walk (pun intended). I find myself buying takeaways in order to comfort myself and also to make myself feel momentarily happier. The issue with that is when I wake up the following day I often find my mood less than social and find my breathing heavier. If I stick to my Huel routine This doesn't happen the following day so I can't accept that it is JUST because of being overweight. I live on my own and have very very few people in my life so these little shots of pleasure are an important injection in to my daily life. I can afford to buy the takeaways every day but it leaves me with no money left and feeling crappy but the night before it is much much more appealing to get that burger/chinese/indian/pizza in order to get the happy feeling.
I know I can't continue like that however in the evenings I just don't care and manage to convince myself that I "deserve" the treat. I don't deserve the treat. I deserve to look after myself so I will be happier because my health is better........
I'm struggling with this and had to vocalize it and don't feel I have anyone to vocalize it to so here it is....