Well isn't this a bit of a fucked up situation we find ourselves in......... Regardless of how and where it started it's a bit of an issue for all of us and people seem really confused as to what they should and should not be doing but that sad truth is what a lot of people are doing isn't really going to have as much impact as they think.......
The UK....... Now I'm writing this from a completely selfish stand point. We have done to little to late. I'm not sure if the basis for the current plan is so we don't push the country in to a sense of panic but it is going to aid damage that really doesn't need to happen. It's a fact that the virus can not survive longer than 14 hours outside of being incubated. whilst I appreciate that it would not be a very cheap way of doing things it would have us clear and back up and running much much faster if we had a FULL lock down and people actually did what they were told. A one week lock down and tests rolled out on day 5. Those who are found to be clear return of the virus return to life as we knew it. Those found to be infected put in to an enforced isolation. Like it or not that should sort the spread. I know a few of you might not agree with this but I believe it would work. We won't be pushed to do this though because it will be seen as to big a financial hit on the country and as we have seen the general public are stupid and are intentionally not sticking to the suggested rules. We only have our self to blame for the spread. I'm willing to bet the thousands of people who will die from this in our country are worth more to people than staying in for a week.....
The recommendation for people not to interact with others outside of their family unit or those you live with is a good bit of advice but the one thing I beg of you all, and this comes from the heart is, whilst we are all staying away from others don't forget those people who suffer from loneliness because I am sure some of those people wont see a way out of the darkness if they don't still have contact with people. I'm sure suicide rates wont be published whilst all this is going on but please remember those people on their own. They still need to know people are out there.
The workers...... I'm in the situation where I have to not only work in customers houses but also on construction sites. None of us are comfortable doing so but if we don't what happens? Do I want to go in to work? No I don't. Can I afford to not go in to work? No I can't. Am I aware that if we all stop coming in to work we will all be shocked when a successful company starts to sink? Of course. That's where the part of me that shouts to go in to work comes in. the company pays me. Without our work the company dies...... Doesn't mean I'm comfortable with risking it though. It's fine that office staff can go and work from home but in what I do I consider myself on the front line of services purely because of how many people I have contact with each day.
I don't really know what else to say on this but please, I beg you, whilst we are being told to stay in our houses don't forget those who will suffer more than they are willing to admit by being shut away on their own.
Signing off